Monday, May 7, 2007

Out the Window

For several weeks, I've heard occasional meowing in the street. At first I thought it came from the cat who lives across from us, up one story and one building over. But I was wrong. The sound came from below our window, not above it.

So when I heard the plaintiff wail again today, I bolted to the window and saw a man bending over and squishing a cat between his knees.

At first I thought it was the Village Idiot, but when the man released the animal, who was wearing a leash, I realized that I was witness to a cute, young man out walking his cat.

I guess the man took a 'squish-the-cat break' right below our apartment, and then they both took a 'rest-our-butts break' on our car.

With it's leopard spots, it's perfectly placed paws, its perky ears, its green eyes, and it's curiously wide-eyed expression, this must be one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen.

Who needs television, when you've got life right outside your window?

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